Lash extensions have taken the entire beauty world by storm! The trend of naturally long, thick, and curly eyelashes has encouraged many people to try them out. That's why it has become a common service among beauty salons.

While the process of lash extension is thrilling for the customer, as a lash extension expert, there are certain do's and don'ts about the process that you must know. It's also important to follow these rules as the last thing your customer would want is the falling out of eyelashes in just a few days. 


Use Clean Equipment

Eyelash extension requires equipment like curved tweezers, eyelash combs, brushes, eye gel pads, and sealers. As these things are applied to sensitive areas like the eyes, it's worth keeping them clean before/after use. You must also maintain sanitation and personal hygiene for a smooth lash extension.  

Do Patch Test 

It’s recommended that before starting the process, you do a patch test for adhesive and/or products you use. It will help you know if the client is allergic to them or not and save you from getting an angry call from a client that just spent a lot of money on a full set that now needs to be removed. 

To do a patch test, apply the product to your client's patch of skin, behind the ear or in an inconspicuous area and check for any possible reactions, in the following 48 hours. Once you get the green signal, you can use them for the lash extension process.

Use High-quality Adhesive

Eyelash adhesives are important to bond the extensions. So, you must use good quality medical-grade adhesive. These adhesives offer flexibility and softness to the lashes, and they have better retention. Avoid buying your products on Amazon, as these are oftentimes not great quality and are either old or low quality products, which can open your client up to allergic reactions, thereby causing you to lose clients.

Ask the Customer Not to Wear any Eye Makeup at their appointment

Whenever a customer makes an appointment for their eyelash extension, ask them to remove their eye makeup before the appointment. Whether it's eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow primer, or eyeshadow, the eyes (or nearby areas) should be bare and free from such products. If they do not, it is very important you cleanse the lashes prior to application, using Ascent Beauty’s Foaming Lash Cleanser, and primer, prior to starting your lash application process.

This step can save time for both you and the customer as you can directly move into the extension process and you will hopefully avoid the customer having retention issues that you later need to take time out of your work calendar to fix.

Instruct Strictly About Not Wetting Lash Extension for At Least 24 Hours

Lash extensions should be kept dry for at least 24 hours after the extension process, when not using Super Bonder after application. 

Ask your client to avoid saunas, facials (steamers), and tanning appointments for 48 hours, due to the excessive heat that can affect the retention of the adhesives.

Use Individual Lashes and Not Clusters

Your customer comes to you with high hopes for their lashes. So, you must try your best to make it look attractive and use products that will protect the health of their natural lashes.

Instead of using clusters of lashes, you should apply one single extension/volume fan to each individual natural lash. This process gives a natural and fuller look than the clusters, and protects the natural lash health long term.

Use Proper Isolation

 A lash expert must isolate the lashes properly for a successful extension process. When lashes are not separated properly, they get stuck at different growth cycles causing discomfort and damage to the same. 

You must also understand the weight and conversion of the lashes for its perfect application. 

If the lashes are growing downwards, and you apply a longer/thicker extension to it, the lashes might weigh down even more. So, make sure to learn about the weight dispersion of both natural lashes and extensions to avoid such situations. 


Forget to Ask Questions

As a lash extension expert, you must ask your customer about the look they want. Decide on the eyelash length and curl strength based on their preferences. 

Also, make sure to verify if they have any conditions that would make the extension process unsuitable for them. 

Rush the Process

The lash extension process requires patience, and this is applicable to both the lash extension expert and the customer. This means whether it's eye cleansing, application, or drying, you must do everything slowly and professionally. You should also inform the customers about the total time it's going to take to complete the process.

Forget to Give Aftercare Tips

Your clients must know how to take care of the lashes, between appointments, to ensure proper retention, inform them about the following:

  • Don't sleep on your stomach
  • Avoid rubbing eyes 
  • Never use a lash curler
  • Don't use abrasive materials to clean eyelashes
  • Clean with Lash Foaming Cleanser every day
  • Avoid using oil-based products around the eye

Make sure to follow these tips the next time your client visits, and you are good to go!